Neglecting my Home(page)

I'm spending most of my blogging time lately at Also wrote a piece on Bill Maher's movie for Air America. Will likely not have time to write a proper piece, but I have similar feelings about Oliver Stone's "W." Some of his past work has been strong--blah, blah blah--BUT: It's it ridiculous to come out with a movie on Bush (that doesn't actually seem very promising) just as he's leaving office. I mean, how brave! After all the blood sweat and tears, here comes the cavalry! This is especially the case given that Stone's other major movies during Bush's time in office ("World Trade Center" and "Alexander") if anything made things easier for Bush.

(Disclaimer: I haven't and don't intend to see any of these movies, I've been attacked for this, but I don't think it's ridiculous to criticize a movie without subjecting yourself to it. If I see a book on evolution and I notice the index doesn't contain a listing for "Darwin," do I have to read the book to know it's probably lousy?)

[originally published at on Oct. 17, 2008]