Nature of House Debate on Afghanistan

Was able to listen to alot of it. Analytically and factually it's rather disappointing, there's not alot of education, other than Kucinich himself, who is giving smart three minute educational segments, complete with charts and maps. But emotionally it is a great relief -- just the notion of a debate is crucial. It's interesting to listen to because there's a mix of views stated relatively concisely. Indeed, there is a totally cacophony -- Ron Paul questions the legality of the War Powers Resolution while others, also speaking on behalf of the resolution, speak in favor of it. Some in favor of the resolution say we "won the war" years ago and others say "we can't win." People on both sides insist on raising or not raising Iraq. It all feels rather like a game of blackjack with the speaker doling out time rather than cards. The most pathetic, ironic part is politicians covering up their cowardice by invoking the "bravery of our troops".