My Tweets on Clinton's AIPAC speech

      Clinton at AIPAC - "Netanyahu put Israel on path to peace" - like Bush calling Sharon a man of peace
      Clinton at AIPAC keeps referring to the demographic threat - why isn't this racist?
      Clinton at AIPAC talking about how bad violence and "incitement" is by Palestinians - nar a word about Israeli and US violence
      Clinton - Israel used to be top thing I heard about round the world, now second or third. Yea, because US has done so many other evil things
      Clinton talks about Iran allegedly violating the NPT to AIPAC - Israel has nukes and refuses to sign the NPT
      Clinton - we attacked Durban conf and Goldstone report. Yup.
      Clinton bragging about more money for Israel, joint operations
      Clinton at AIPAC - all same myths - Israel is defensive, made desert bloom