CodePink apparently put out a fake AIPAC news release in favor of a settlement freeze -- apparently CNN, NPR, Al Jazeera and Jake Tapper got taken in.

This was very clever, though the concern about the humanitarian situation in Gaza should have been a red flag that it wasn't from AIPAC. I have mixed feelings about how much good this does, it creates confusion within AIPAC membership in the short term, and exposes the silliness of the major media, but it also gives millions the false impression that AIPAC is perhaps alittle reasonable. I called up the AIPAC flack, he just said the statement is a fake and refused to even tell me what the AIPAC position on settlements was, just hung up.

(Addition: I heard the disinfo on NPR and it left me scratching my head for much of the morn. I also saw it on C-Span. TPM reported on Al Jazeera and Tapper. CodePink is my source for CNN. People should be demanding very vocal retrations from those outlets and should question what AIPAC's position is.)